Though I was born in Hawaii, I spent my childhood in India where I attended Woodstock and Kodaikanal International Boarding Schools. I grew up hiking, camping, traveling throughout India, and spending every Christmas in the jungles of northern India. During vacations, we worked in village medical clinics, helped with YMCA flood relief, and used music to cultivate deep relationships with people from a wide variety of nationalities and religious beliefs. These experiences birthed the “spark” that ignited my passion for helping people.
My Christian faith drives the daily expression of who I am. It's the foundation that allows me to fully understand and value that each human journey is unique. I strive to help others embrace who they are and find their individual path which empowers them to live in their truth.
I have over 20 years of experience guiding people from all over the world through a myriad of life transitions. It is my deepest honor to help people align with God's plan for them, and live a life of joy, love, and faith.